what are you doing for others

What are you doing for others?

what are you doing for others

Tommy Lasorda described three kinds of people in this world: people who make it happen, people who watch what happens, and people who wonder what happened.
According to Adam Grant, the New York Times best-selling author of “Give and Take,” there are three types of people in the world; Givers. Takers. And Matchers. The question now is which one are you? The most successful people in the world are Givers.

what are you doing for others But some of the least successful people are also givers .Countless times you may have offered people help and it came back to backfired, never mind, keep on the good flag, continue being good, but there are times you have been privileged to help people in your little capacity and it came back being a blessing.
There are some people that are fond of giving and taking note of expecting something in return. So I prefer if you are a giver, this comes from your heart and do not ask something in return. Giving is not a will it’s a feeling or emotion that you love and like to give…True wealth is a feeling of being surrounded by love, joy, and completeness.
Just as true wealth is fullness; true poverty is emptiness. You can have all the money in the world and be poor and have very little financially and feel very rich. With God’s blessing, you can have BOTH but that can’t happen without enriching others. So Many Have So Much And Yet Are Still So Poor. True poverty is aloneness,incompleteness, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness. With all the blessings around them, the truly poor find it difficult to find anything to be joyous about. The truly rich are appreciative of everything no matter how small, their sight/hearing, their home, their last meal, their family, and maybe just the fact that they are alive to see another day with those they love.
You can have it all and feel like you have nothing or you can have nothing and still feel on top of the world. But one fact is critically important to remember, if you want more wealth, what you do has to enrich others. Practice giving joyfully without expecting a pay back, otherwise it’s just a swap or exchange and doesn’t attract divine blessings to you. Take the example of parents as your guide. Their motives are so pure. Parents are natural enrichers; from the moment their children are born, their thoughts are focused on how they can enrich that child’s life. Their happiness is in seeing the child grow, prosper, and be happy. That’s the model we want to emulate. Now, go ahead and claim your real wealth. Begin by thinking about whose life can you enrich today.
You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. And I wish to say now; People are our greatest assets. Ordinary people spend their most valuable time making money but extraordinary people utilize their time in making people because when you make people, those people will turn around to make money for you. You don’t need to be a multi-billionaire to be generous. Money is not the only thing you can give. An encouraging word from you can give hope of a better tomorrow to a promising youth A smile from you can help someone on a suicide mission reverse it! It’s all about serving others…
Looking for ways to add value to them… That’s the way to achieving significance in life.
Your purpose in life is not only “to have and to hold” but also “to give and serve”. A wise saying from my place asked; “why do men greedily amass and store up material possessions? Even if we have unimaginable riches we will die, if we build uncountable houses, we will still die. Our service to others could be through mentoring them, feeding homeless people, sharing our faith with them, spending quality time and commitments with our friends and families etc. Being generous is not a function of income…it’s a function of the heart.
It doesn’t come from the top of the purse, but from the bottom of the heart. As for me; I might not have RICHES… I have REASON I might not have a JOB yet… I have my JOY still
I might not have a fat FINANCIAL ACCOUNT now… but I have a robust INTELLECTUAL account now And I have made a commitment to share my REASON, JOY, and INTELLECT with friends; so that we can all discover and manifest our ultimate destinies.
My question for you today is… WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR OTHERS?
A highly successful steel merchant and philanthropist once said; “No man becomes rich unless he enriches others”. Only you can determine the type of person you really are deep down and what you stand for. No one else can decide this for you. It has nothing to do with your status, job, influence, or wealth. Whichever “type” resonates with you is YOUR truth. Will it still be your truth in 10months? 10years? Maybe, maybe not.
Ask yourself this way: “What am I choosing to be a beacon of?” Am I choosing to be a beacon of light, peace, pain, fear, sadness, Universal Love? Think about what you choose at this time in your life to focus on and be a source of for Humanity and the World. What are you bringing to the planet? Be honest with yourself. Do NOT judge your answer…that is just where you are choosing to be at this moment? Suffice it to mention here that, there are three categories of people;

  1. Those That Are MORE Important Than Others
    This describes an ego-centric individual who believes because of their position, bank account, ethnicity, etc… That they are better than someone else, that they are entitled to receive more, and that, some people are replaceable or disposable. They feel that all lives do NOT matter… only certain ones. This type of person favours his or her own wants at the expense of the highest good of all. It’s an “us against them” fear-based mentality. This individual is “for” themselves (and those “like” them), but against others who are not like them. It wouldn’t hurt for them to “wear another person’s shoes” once in a while.
  2. Those That Are LESS Important Than Others
    This person feels a lack of self-love and self-worth, always putting others above themselves, never thinking they are valuable enough to deserve to receive. They see others as better than they are… prettier, wealthier, smarter, happier, skinnier, etc… These type of people are “for” others, but against themselves, because they believe, “I’m not good enough.” They could benefit a great deal from looking within and realizing the power and perfection that they truly possess.
  3. Those Who Are EQUAL in Importance to Others
    This 3rd type of person believes that we are all ONE. They perceive that the light on the planet is increasing, even if the news shows otherwise. They look between the lines. They look at the love that is spreading. They look at the helpers — strangers assisting and showing love and kindness to strangers. They believe we are all connected. The colour of our skin, our gender, our sexual orientation, our beliefs, our economic status… none of it matters, and that, we are all the same at our core.what are you doing for others
    The fact is, more and more people are resonating with this 3rd way of being, especially as we witness individuals on Earth sacrificing their lives… When we lose loved ones, the suffering is the same, our nationalities are irrelevant. An influx of compassion and deeper understanding is the true result. There have been horrific events happening at this time on the planet, but look at how we as human beings are using these events to feel and increase our compassion for one another. No one EVER dies in vain. As individuals and as a collective, we are evolving in our perceptions and elevating into a higher consciousness. Our choices — how we respond to and utilize challenging events for the greater good of all living things — is what will propel humanity to a higher level of understanding, which is only LOVE.
    So many are beginning to feel love for one another on a soul level, not just on a human level; it is growing, and we are growing as beings of light. We are expanding our awareness to include every person in unity and harmony, no longer wanting to live in fear and separation. We search for the light in every situation no matter how terrible it seems, always finding the good, the love, and the light that spreads in the wake of any disaster. Greater numbers of people are seeing things shift in a very profound, powerful, and positive way on the planet. They know that, one day, our choices will be such that no one will even consider for a moment harming another bright soul, because we will all choose to make full use of our capacity for conscious and compassionate behaviour.
    As human beings, we were given the gifts of intelligence, conscience, and free will; therefore, we have a responsibility to ALL life. We are expected to act not blindly or selfishly, but with a higher consciousness built upon a secure moral and spiritual foundation.

A Call to Action:

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